February 2013

The eTwinning 2013 Conference is about to start!

This year, the Conference will take place in Lisbon between 14 March and 16 March. More than 400 teachers are expected from the 33 countries involved in eTwinning. Besides, each National Support Service will be there, and the Central Support Service as well. As usual, the Conference will include presentations, workshops and activities, but also, of course, the Prize Ceremony, during which the best eTwinning projects will be rewarded. 

The Prize Ceremony, a chance for recognition.

The Prize Ceremony will take place on March 14 and will reward the best projects in their categories. The three main categories are pupils age 4-11, pupils age 12-15 and pupils age 16-19. In addition to the age categories, there are also six special categories: Spanish language, French language, German language, Marie Skłodowska Curie Prize, Mevlana Prize for Intercultural Understanding and English as a second language. 

For more information about the eTwinning Prize, you can have a look at this page. The winners and the runners up for each category are detailed here.

What’s going on in schools?

Project of the Month
Learn more about projects

“Water is our treasure”

The purpose of holding this topic in our school is to raise awareness in our students about the importance of water for life. Water is our treasure. Why?

Quality Label of the Month
What is the Quality Label?

Book in thread of time

Students prepare 1. Interview with parents and grandparents 2. Illustrations for the book or novel together with a short note about the conversation they had with their parents or grandparents; what did they like most about the book? They can attach photographs of their parents or grandparents. They are going to publish this material on eTwinning platform. 3. Preparing an exhibition at school including students’ own works. 4. Reflection about the project on the Desktop forum.

From the eTwinning Portal


European Prizes: Winners 2013

We are pleased to announce the winners of this year's eTwinning Prizes 2013 competition


Finding partners, a fundamental step to found a project

With our last quick poll on the Desktop about partner finding tools we realised that more than a fourth of the respondents don’t use the desktop tools to find partners, most of them apparently because they were not sure where the tools are.