November 2017

Malta 2017 Conference

The focus of the eTwinning Annual Conference 2017 was to share how eTwinning can raise the capabilities of schools to address three main factors of exclusion: cultural differences, educational difficulties and geographical obstacles, which continue the work of promoting ‘non-discrimination through education’. The keynote address of Mark Penfold, the opening speeches and the prize award ceremony were live streamed. You can check out the wrap-up video of the conference and all of the activities on social media by using the hashtag #eTconf17


eTwinning School Label

In order to recognise the work done at school level, a new label will soon be available to apply for – the eTwinning School Label. The principle is that eTwinning wants to recognise and appraise the involvement, commitment and dedication of teams of teachers and school leaders – including school management – within the same school.

The application period will start in November 2017.

From the eTwinning Portal


eTwinning goes mobile!

The new eTwinning app is available on the Apple App Store and the Android Market!


The new eTwinning Featured Group ‘Coding at Schools’ kicks off during EU Code Week 2017

eTwinning is continuing to promote innovation, creativity and critical thinking by introducing the new Featured Group ‘Coding at Schools’ that will help teachers introduce coding concepts in the classrooms and develop the computational thinking.